About Me

Hello and welcome to Dana the Explorer! 

I am a Massaschuetts native, quenching my thirst for far off places since a 2011 trip to Europe in high school.
After graduating college I moved to Cannes, France for the summer to study french and experience La Côte D’Azur. That summer I made incredible friends…I arrived in a foreign city and left with a second home.
After returning from France, I incorrectly thought I was cut out for the desk job life and took a job at an adult travel company called Road Scholar. I wasn’t long before I’d purchased a one way ticket to solo backpack through Europe on a months notice.

The saga continues as I am once again packing up the backpack and boarding a flight to Australia, South East Asia and wherever it is my heart takes me this time.

waterfall chaser- former bartender- aspiring understudy for Anthony Bourdain.

Follow the journey.